Wednesday 23 October 2013

'The lost boys' analysed

The trailer starts with a establishing shot and changes to a long and medium close up shot. The establishing shot is useful in setting the atmosphere.From the trailer of 'the lost boys'I would say that the genre of the movie is gangs however the sub genre is friendship and brotherhood. The non-diogetic music gives the trailer a happy upbeat atmosphere however this is disrupted by the type of lyrics used. The lyrics are from the ten commandments.
The words of the soundtrack is already suggesting that something bad is going to happen because one of the lines used is 'thou shalt not kill'.this suggest that someone is going to be killed.At the start of the trailer the soundtrack is suggesting a action movie however this changes when the lyrics comes on.The type of lighting used compared to 'let the right one in' is different.the type of lighting used creating a joyful atmosphere that the audience will find surpriseing  because the setting of the film  doesn't fits the type of action about to take place.
The representation of vampires in the trailer is that vampires are violent because the opening scene shows a group of boys fighting each other. The trailer shows a power struggle between the police and the crimes.

Monday 21 October 2013

Media (Let the right one in)

From the trailer of 'let the right one in' I would say that the genre of the movie is horro however the sub genre is frendship.The non-diogetic music gives the trailer a sense of the unknow making the audience feel tense and enaged with the film. The type of lighting used is dull creating a errie atomsphere that the audience will find believeable for a muder. The film is set in a snow-coved community which creates a feeling of isolation.The title is writen in striking red colour connoting the blood of which the vampires need to live on. the font size and colouring is striaght away making the audience think about the themess and genre of the film. The trailer is very good in leaving the audience with no knowledge of what is going to happen. There are however a few short shots where the charcaters speak to one another from this the audience gets a idea of what the themes are for example love and friendship.
The representation of vampires in the trailer is that vampires are bad/evil because the image of the girl with blood dripping from her mouth after eating a human.

Media Magazine (top five thing from creative Film Making article)

Top five thing I learnt from the article: 1) know the rules of genre - To undserstand the type of genre you are creating a film for. an example of this will be horror film where the type of lighting is differnet compared to the type of lighting used in a comdey movie. 2)To break the rules you know shows that you have a great understanding of the rule,For example breaking the 180 degree rule. 3)Planning the film is importane because production is expersive and invovles a lot of people therefor it needs to be planned in order to save money and time. 4)The film needs a narrtive because the characters need to go on a journey in order for the audience to connect with it. 5)Naming your characters and the film gives it identity.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Homework script

A conversation between a doctor and a mother of a mental ill child.
The mother walks in to the room where the doctor is seating down waiting for her.
Match on action between walking in and seating down.

Dora: hallo,doctor
Doctor: Mrs strang!(The 180 degree rule when the mother is seating down) 
Dora: I've been shopping in the neighbourhood.i thought I might just look in.
Doctor: Did you see Alan?
Dora: no,no....not just at the moment. Actually it's  you I wanted to see .
Dora:you see,there's something I need to tell you doctor.
Doctor:what is it?
Dora:do you remember that photograph I mentioned to you. The one Mr strang gave Alan to decorate his bedroom a few years ago?
Doctor: yes, a horse looking over a gate?
Dora:That's right.well,actually it took the place of another kind of picture altogether.
Doctor: what kind?
Dora: it was a replace by our lord on his way to Calvary. He insisted on buying it of his pocket money and hanging it at the foot if his bed,where he could see it last thing at night before going to bed.
Doctor:can you describe the photograph to me.
Dora: it's of a horse taken from a angle. It's absolutely remarkable picture.
Doctor: okay thank you very much for you help Mrs strang. I will give your love to Alan.

Dora walks out and the doctor is left in the room. (Match on action when Dora is walking out)